New Vision and Mission Statements Adopted
As part of our strategic planning process, the club recently embraced a new vision statement to define the aspirational future we are working towards and a new mission statement that articulates our purpose in taking tangible steps towards its achievement.
Our vision – Thriving and resilient local and global communities
Our mission – Working together to create positive change in the wellbeing of our community and beyond
Our club members are passionate about making a positive difference locally and abroad through a broad range of initiatives. For more information, please see the “Avenues of Service” page of our website.
COVID Recovery Activities
In partnership with St. Mark’s Church, St. Luke’s Church and Emerald Community House, our club continued to provide food vouchers to assist local families in need impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to supporting residents, the vouchers are supporting local businesses to get back on their feet.
McLeod Murphy Memorial Scholarship Fund Applications Now Open
In early October, our club launched the McLeod Murphy Memorial Scholarship Fund. Established in memory of Emerald’s first doctor, Dr McLeod Murphy, this scholarship invites applications from students residing in Emerald and surrounds to apply for funds to assist with their study of medicine, medical science or a related field. We hope to present two successful recipients with $2000 each – $1000 for one year of study and a further $1000 a year later if they continue down that path. Applications close on 1 December 2020.
3MDR 97.1 FM Sponsorship
In October, our club became a community group subscriber to community radio station 3MDR. In addition to a week shout-out on the Saturday afternoon “Community” program at 1pm, the station will provide a wonderful platform for promoting our community activities and events.